Are you looking into working with a deity? Do you feel particularly drawn to Hecate's figure? If you are approaching a big breakthrough, she might be calling you.
Get to know Hecate
Hecate is one of the lesser-known Greek goddesses. The abilities attributed to her in Greek mythology are many, and they are mysterious. That is why, even nowadays, some myths around her present her as an evil goddess. Certainly, some of her powers and characteristics can be associated with the Underworld. However, some of her domains undoubtedly belong to the realm of life. She has extensive powers and many divine duties. She is considered to be the goddess of the night, light, childbirth, ghosts, necromancy, and the moon. Today, we know her mainly for being the goddess of magic and witchcraft.
According to mythology, her divine duties include ushering souls from the physical world to the underworld and vice-versa. She is, therefore, a liminal goddess. As such, she was given the title of goddess of gateways and borders. In this aspect, those “in-between” spaces are under her domain. She is also called the goddess of crossroads. To represent this, she is frequently represented as a triple goddess. For example, she is most commonly seen as a triple feminine figure, or as a woman holding a three-headed dog.
Hecate’s calling
Hecate is known to call people even when, more often than not, some witches are afraid of working with her. she may call you despite you knowing very little about her -or even if you do not know her at all. This goddess tends to be persistent and does not care about the resistance or inexperience of those she wants to call.
As we know, Hecate’s domains include crossroads. Not unexpectedly, she often calls people who are going through major life changes. This is why she is believed to call pregnant and dying people predominantly. She also likes calling young witches, as she likes to teach her craft using old-school methods. This is, of course, not true for everyone. You might be invited to work with her at any age.
However, if you are standing at any kind of turning point, she might lend a hand to help you. It might come across as an inconvenient time to embark on something new. But she will empower you to burn bridges leading back to those things that no longer serve you.
This is a deep, internal process. When something inside you starts breaking, her power seeps through the cracks and starts lighting up your soul. But Hecate is loud about what she wants. The work might be inward, but she will not leave room for doubt. If she wants to call you, you will notice subtle, yet unmistakable signs from her. You just have to pay attention.
6 signs Hecate is trying to get your attention
- Black dogs
Dogs are sacred to Hecate. They are her animal companion and she is frequently depicted with one. Repeatedly coming across large, black dogs can be a signal from her. However, this sign can manifest in different ways. For example, you might hear dogs howling or barking a bit too frequently. If these sounds seem to come out of nowhere, they might be her hounds calling you.
- Keys
Hecate is the goddess of gateways, and keys are one of her symbols. Of course, we handle keys on a daily basis. But if you unexpectedly come across keys while running errands, or find a long-lost bunch of keys, it might be a sign.
- Torches
In most representations, Hecate is holding torches. This is related to her soul-guiding and gate-keeping duties. Unlike keys, torches are not frequently seen in our daily life, so spotting one without actively seeking it could be a sign.
- The number 3
Hecate is often represented as a triple female figure. This is the representation of crossroads, one of her domains. In Greek mythology, she is also connected to the three realms of the Cosmos: earth, sea, and sky. Therefore, 3 is a sacred number when it comes to Hecate. If you notice it around you often, take note. It could be a message from this goddess.
- Crossroads
Hecate will likely call you when you are standing at a crossroads. But not only metaphorically! If you have a strange experience while standing at a crossroads, especially in a forest, pay attention. A symbol, a vision, a channeled message… that could be her calling.
- Symbols
Sometimes, the calling is even more obvious. If straightforward symbols, like Hecate’s wheel or triple moon imagery, appear around you repeatedly, she might be trying to call you.
What to do when you are called by Hecate
Receiving these signs from Hecate herself might be overwhelming. Maybe you sense that she’s trying to get through, but you are not completely sure. That is normal, especially if you have never worked with deities before.
At this point, being open to signs is more effective than actively looking for them. If you suspect that Hecate wants to work with you, taking notes might be useful. Keeping a detailed log of these signs will make them tangible and can help you understand them better. Write down if they are present in dreams or real life. Mention every symbol you notice. If you have a vision, jot down any other elements present. If you are undergoing any kind of change in your life, explain that, too.
Of course, it is difficult to discern what is really a sign. However, this is when faith comes into play. Remember that Hecate works from the inside out. If you have an unexplainable gut feeling, you are most probably correct. Trust her guidance and she will show you the right direction.
First steps working with Hecate
If you are ready to start working with Hecate, you can start small and work up progressively. Here are some ideas to start your journey.
- Include her in your altar
Having her picture on your altar or lighting a candle for her is a good place to start. You can add elements as your confidence grows.
- Work with Moon cycles
You can start by cleaning your home during a Full Moon as a cleansing ritual. Make sure to intention your actions.
- Help animals
Hecate is deeply related to Nature and animals in general. Even when she is mostly seen around dogs, other animals like snakes and polecats (similar to ferrets) are also included among her symbols. Working in your local shelter or with strays is a nice way to connect with her.
- Take care of your plants
This is a rather easy way to start understanding Hecate’s work. She is an herbalist and honors medicinal herbs and plants in her craft. Learning to work with these elements can take long study sessions. However, bonding with your houseplants is an easy starting point.
- Do shadow work
Hecate is the connection between light and darkness. She walks in life, death, and anything in between. Working with your shadow will spark a close connection between you and this wise, mysterious goddess.
- Practice green witchcraft
Devote time to including herbs and elements from Nature in your practice. Not only will you feel closer to Hecate. You will also learn a new craft.
Have you received Hecate’s calling? What were your signs? Share your experience with the community in the comments!
How do I know it not just ai putting her all over my phone I don’t even say I’m religious anymore I say spiritual bc I believe in a higher power but not today’s organized religion and don’t know much about my native Cherokee roots but pulled to nature and animals and the feeling of something calling me
I have always been drawn to crows, admired their beauty and intelligence. A few years ago I was pregnant. I had been pregnant a few times before, the timing wasn’t right for me. When I fell pregnant 4 years ago, my boyfriend wasn’t the happiest about it. His confusion confused me and i didn’t know what I wanted to do. I wanted the baby, but was scared. So I booked an abortion. When the day came my boyfriend and I argued, he went to sit on the roof terrace. The next minute a noise and something caught my eye. And then my boyfriend tried to get my attention. I said I see it. He kept saying my name, I said I see it. He was afraid I wasn’t. It was- big black crow sitting on my iron fence… looking directly at me, cawing loudly at me, mouth fully open. We locked eyes, o couldn’t believe it. I felt like the crow was trying to tell me something. No crow has ever landed like that on my terrace or interacted with me like that. I knew instantly it was trying to tell me something. I didn’t go to the appointment and I have a beautiful, clever, kind and amazing 3 and half year old boy. And my love of crows has grown and grown. My boyfriend is a amazing dad. I now feel it was Hecate. And I want to thank her, i think she knows how I feel and how grateful i am for her intervention. I have not told anyone apart from my sister about this. I don’t think anyone would believe me. If my boyfriend wouldn’t have witnessed it himself, I think he’d think I was nuts.
The first time I heard the name I was curious on how to pronounce it. So I looked up a little on the name but not much more research but for some reason I feel drawn to her for reasons I can’t explain. But one night I woke up in the middle of the night as usual to go to the bathroom and just kept repeating her name in my mind over and over again. I don’t know why. But sense then I have been really drawn to herbal remedies, and really wanting a moon phase tattoo on my wrist. I am in the closet with my witchcraft and just starting out, but I feel I may need to include her somehow .
Im not completely sure if what I’m seeing is signs from Hecate, or if it’s another god/goddess, or just my imagination.
I’ve always had to moons: when I was younger, my best friend had a ring they wore every single day. This ring was of a moon and a little sun/star that fits into the curve of the moon. The ring snapped in half and I took the ring and said that I would find a way to fix it. 4-5 years later, I still have the ring in a tiny blue container, one day I will get it fixed for my friend. But then I met someone else, and I spent a very long time earning the money to buy a necklace set, a moon and a sun with a piece of glass that had the words “I love you” in 100 languages. Im not with this person anymore, but I still have that moon. I recently made moon water and have been using it sometimes as offerings for the Goddesses I am currently working with (Aphrodite and Athena), but I have been very conscience of what phase the moon is in, and what that moon power has during that phase.The second reason I feel like I could possibly have a connection with her starting to grow, is the fact that I have always loved spiders. When I was maybe 7-8 years old, I remember my teachers always calling me whenever there was a spider anywhere so I could catch it, and release it so no life would be harmed. And now, I am soon going to be doing a little experiment with spiders (jumpers), and I’ve already planned to have them all named after plants/flowers.
And lastly, the biggest reason I feel this way, is because when I try and talk to any of the other Goddesses that I work with, I sometimes find myself saying or thinking the name Hecate, rather than the ones I’m trying to speak to.
A final little thing that could very well be a coincidence, is that Aphrodite was my first, Athena my second, and possibly Hecate my third.
Aphrodites number is 5,
Athena number is 4,
And lastly, Hecates number is 3.
I have been surrounded by 3’s drawn to 3’s symbols of 3’s the triple spiral I was in a weird place and was drawing it over and over and over trying to get it right. Do these goddesses work with Men? Don’t know why the name kept popping up and looking into it and what’s going on in my life, why not? I’m open to try anything at this point. I believe there is truth in everything just not everything is truth. My service dog of 10 years my soulmate has 3 dots behind her ear and I have the same dots in the same way on my hand but it was tattooed at least a decade before I got her. I can’t be without my dog period. I used to work for a bar that was called the green room in key West (vortex) and the symbol for the bar was the green man. I’ve been a rainbow kid, GDF lot kid, for more years than I can count. I love just sleeping outside, don’t matter where. I’ve always seen signs and just took em for what they were try to make sense of it everything seems relevant blah blah. But, today I said the hell with it, put a crystal bowl out with water with citrine, fluorite, and 3 quartz. Put out some opals and a tigers eye, just crystals everywhere. I put a ring with a Garnet at the top of the picture I drew of the goddess and an Opal shining on her 3rd eye. Lit an incense, nag Champa, other jewelry around and let the sun beam on it. Idk what I’m doing but it felt right. I need direction, I need peace, I need resolve, I need strength, I’m just coming out of my shell after divorce and sobriety. I know something big is coming but I’ve never been good at being alone through tough stuff and humans overall suck. Am I even in the realm of doing something good or am I playing with something I should just leave alone. I understand who I am, and I’m protected by a higher power, I won’t put a name or label on it because logically it’s all the same just different perceptions. I just need outside of human help because the gears of the unknown, the fears of financial issues good and bad. I have had anxiety and panic disorder since the service 23 years ago. I need a friend 😒 love and light 🖤💀⚡🌹
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