5 Tips to Find Your Pagan Deity

Witch Egyptian Pagan Deity

If you’re considering working with Deities in your practice, it’s important to take steps to identify a Deity that’s interested in working with you as well. It’s likely that a Pagan Deity has already been watching you and has shown some interest in you. Below are five tips to help identify your Pagan Deity so you can begin working with them. 

1. Look at what your ancestors are from

Looking at your ancestry is a great way to start shortening the list of possible Pantheons your Pagan Deity could belong to. If you have Greek or Celtic ancestors, for example, it’s very possible that your Pagan Deity may be part of one of those Pantheons.

box of ancestor photos

In order to get started, ask your relatives about your family tree. If you’re unsure where your ancestors are from, taking a DNA test could be a good idea. If you’re adopted, consider the ancestry of both your biological and adoptive family. When your adoptive parents formally made you their child, their Pantheon listened and adopted you as their own. If you aren’t formally adopted, don’t fret. It’s possible that the Pantheon of someone you’re close to and consider to be family may have welcomed you in as well. 

2. Do some research on your First and Middle Name

It’s also recommended to do some research about your given name as there are certain names that have significance. For example, if your first or Middle name is Michaela, Morgan, Diana, Bridget or some variation of it, there is likely a connection to your Pagan Deity. 

  • Michaela could indicate Archangel Michael wants to work with you
  • Morgan should look at Morrigan 
  • Dianas should pay attention to the Roman Goddess of the hunt
  • Bridget (and all variations) can be connected to Brigid
  • Even Lucy could have a small connection to Lucifer

Your name is not a minor detail about yourself. If you go by a name that was not assigned to you at birth, you should still research it as it can also have a connection to your Pagain Deity. Gender neutral names that are rising in popularity like Sky, Rain, and Sage, could also point you to your Pagan Deity. Sky, for instance, may point to the Egyptian God Ra. 

witch doing research

You should also consider that a lot of Deities have a counterpart. For example, my name is Virginia María (Yes, I was literally named after the Virgin Mary). Even though I was never especially drawn to the Virgin, I have a long-lasting relationship with her Divine counterpart, Archangel Raphael.   

3. Ask your Deity for a sign

Another method to help identify your Pagan Deity is to ask them for a sign about who they are and you will likely receive a response. The signs can manifest themselves in different ways. Some examples of signs may be:

  • Repeated sightings of certain animals. It’s normal to see dogs and cats if you live in a city, but if you repeatedly see large, black dogs, that may be Hekate trying to clue you in for example. 
  • Repeated numbers. Pay close attention to clocks, bus tickets, and phone numbers. If you see numbers that repeat themselves again and again, that may be a sign. For instance, if you see a lot of the number 6, that may be Demeter trying to reach out.

number on street

Your Pagan Deity may also choose to send you signs in the form of music, dreams, snippets of conversations you overhear from strangers, or even through words from a loved one that resonate in a new way. It is important to be wary of virtual signs however. If you see repeated posts about Hades on social media, for example, it’s likely that your social media algorithm has identified your interest and it’s not your Pagan Deity reaching out to you. 

We have recently covered signs commonly associated with Hades and Persephone (The two usually come as a bit of a combo, even if you don’t actually work with both of them). If Hades is reaching out to you, you may find a lot of coins on the ground. Number 3 is significant, especially if you see a lot of large dogs in sets of three. With Persephone, you may be drawn to certain flowers like lavender or daisies. You may also see a lot of bees.   

4. Keep a journal

When you ask your Pagan Deity for signs, it’s a great idea to keep a dream journal and document to keep track of the signs. If you have a Book of Shadows, you’re welcome to use it to track as well. Over time, you’ll start to see patterns and have a clearer picture of who your Pagan Deity may be. If you identify any repeated signs, do some research on which Pagan Deity they may be connected to. It may be a Pagan Deity you haven’t heard of before. If you perpetually see golden apples and the number 7, you may eventually learn about Sekhmet, for example.

witch writing in journal 

5. Do Pendulum Divination

Pendulum divination can also be used to identify your Pagan Deity. This exercise is best done in pairs, so, if you have a witchy friend willing to do this exercise with you, all the better. We recently posted an article on Tips for Pendulum Divination that may be helpful. To get started, write down a list of open Pantheons on a piece of paper. Next, write down your witchy friend’s full name and date of birth on the same piece of paper. Ask the Pendulum to connect with your friend’s energy and hold it above the list of Pantheons. Once the Pendulum has connected to your friend’s energy, let it swing until it points to one Pantheon. Then, do the same for the Deities within that Pantheon. Once your friend’s Pagan Deity has been identified, switch roles and have them help identify yours. You may also do this exercise alone however it tends to be more accurate in pairs.

witch doing pendulum divination

Grow Your Connection

Once you’ve identified your Deity, it’s important to nurture your relationship with them. Check out our blog post on 9 Tips for Working with Deities to learn more about how you can strengthen your relation with your Deity.

Ready to find your Pagan Deity? Let us know if these tips work for you in the comments!

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