If you are a witch, you have probably heard that working with Deities is no child's play. However, working with a Deity doesn’t have to be near impossible, either. Take this work seriously and keep your wits about you. If you do so, you can definitely find it a positive experience. Here are some tips to make your work with them easier. 1. Start with your ancestors Your ancestors may not be as exciting as Deities, but you know they have vested interests in your well-being. You can’t always take that for granted with a Deity. Some of your ancestors even share your last name. They want to see you succeed and they take an interest in your life. Once...
Learning to do Tarot readings is a skill that many people want to master. Some practitioners resort to learning from books and memorizing the meaning of each card. This is called interpretative Tarot reading. It comes from memory and rational thinking. If you’re a beginner, this method might help you understand how Tarot works. However, there’s another way of doing readings. This method is called intuitive Tarot reading because it relies on intuition. But what is intuitive tarot reading exactly, and how do I know if it’s for me? This article will define the intuitive method for Tarot reading and compare it with the interpretative method. We will also give you some tips on how to start doing intuitive Tarot...
Psychologist Carl Jung has proposed the term Shadow to refer to an unconscious aspect of our personality that we don’t identify in ourselves. Basically, our Shadow Self is a part that we don’t know, recognize or acknowledge. In general, it is considered to be negative because everyone tends to unconsciously reject the aspects that they dislike. Most of them relate to our primitive Self and include negative emotions and impulses such as envy, greed, rage, and others. This is because we, as social animals, always want to protect our image. However, there are positive aspects that may also remain hidden in one’s Shadow. Unveiling our Shadow Self can be a challenging yet very productive experience. This is when Shadow Work...
If you feel drawn to nature, you might want to include natural elements in your craft. There are many different ways in which you can do so, and green witches can attest to that. But what exactly is Green Witchcraft, and how do I begin? In this article, we will cover the basic aspects of this ancient practice. The origins of Green Witchcraft Over time, many civilizations have considered nature to be sacred. This is the case for Druids and Celts, for instance. There is no saying exactly when this practice originated, as it seems to have been around since the beginning of time. For example, there’s an ancient Greek myth involving Hecate, the Goddess of Witchcraft. This myth explains...
Since the beginning of time, herbs and spices have been commonly used in witchcraft and other spiritual practices. If you’re new to these practices, you might find yourself wondering which herbs to use and how to use them. In this article, we will deal with several plants and spices that every beginner should have. You can work with fresh or dried herbs, or you can try growing them in your garden. In our list of herbs for beginners, we have included those that are easy to get. You might even have some in your house already! (plus it's a great way to practice for those who are still in the broom closet). SALT Yes, salt isn’t an herb, a plant,...