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White Magic vs Black Magic: A Witchcraft Fallacy

All spiritual practitioners are aware of the existence of the term “Black/Dark Magic” as opposed to “White Magic”. In this opposition, Black/Dark Magic is generally associated with evil, and White Magic is related to good. What we know as White Magic is also considered to be superior in some ways, and practitioners are hailed and accepted. This is not the case with the people whose practice is more related to what is called Black or Dark Magic. This practice is frowned upon and considered inferior. People tend to pass moral judgment on these practitioners. We argue that the terms Black/Dark Magic and White Magic are too simplistic, as they rely on the division between good and evil. This dichotomy can...

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Love Magic 101: How to Cast A Love Spell

What exactly are Love Spells? Do they actually work? Let’s be clear from the start. You can’t summon love into your life in the same way as you’d do with money. Love is a dazzling feeling that can trigger other emotions, depending on how people experience it. Love’s not only a strong energy, but a treacherous one to deal with. What we mean is that every person has their own way to experience the feeling of love. As there are people who might be scared of being loved, some might not be too interested in it. There are also many others who want love so desperately that they would hold on to anything that resembles it. You should take those...

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What is Beltane and When is it?

Four Ways to Celebrate Beltane, the May Day Beltane is one of the four major Gaelic celebrations that take place every year. The other three are Samhain, Imbolc, and Lughnasadh. Beltane, associated with Paganism and Wicca, is celebrated on May 1st. Beltane is held on this date because it is halfway between the spring equinox (Ostara) and summer solstice (Litha). This festival is held to thank the Earth for its abundance. On this day, like on Samhain, the veil between realms grows thinner. With Beltane coming soon, we will explain what this celebration consists of. Then, we will suggest four ways to celebrate it, including a ritual. What is Beltane? Beltane, also called May Day, is the celebration of fertility....

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What is Water Magic?

What is Water Magic? You’ve probably heard about green magic, a practice that works with herbs and crystals, but what about blue magic or water witchcraft? Blue Magic practitioners, or water witches, base many of their practices on the Element of Water. Where another practitioner may light a candle or draw a sigil to cast a spell, Water witches include water. For Example, they will do something like preparing a spray or having a ritual bath.    What type of water is used in magic? Water witches generally live as close as they can to a body of water. They pay frequent visits to this body of water, clean up trash around the shore, and empathize with its pain if the...

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World Homeopathy Day: Homeopathy and its Connection to Spiritual Practices

Every April 10th, we celebrate World Homeopathy Day. This is a way of paying tribute to Homeopathy and its contribution to the world of medicine. The reason why this day is observed is that we commemorate the birthday of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. He was born in 1755 and died in 1843. He is considered the founder of Homeopathy because he set the basis for this system of alternative medicine. In this article, we are going to explore Homeopathy and its relation to spiritual practices. What is Homeopathy? This alternative medicinal method was developed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Disappointed with traditional medicine, he left his private practice in 1784. He believed that the medicine of his time...

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